Spring is fast approaching, and it’s a fantastic time of year. It feels like the world starts to wake up again. Flowers start to bloom, animals are born, and the weather starts to warm up. People become motivated and want to get out more, get fit, and do that spring clean! There’s always a sense of hope and adventure.
It made me want to think of things I could do myself this year. The result is this list! 15 cheap spring-themed bucket list ideas. Because fun doesn’t have to be expensive, and the more creative, the better.
1. Cherry blossoms
It would be awesome to see cherry blossoms in Japan, but with current restrictions that’s not possible! So find if there’s any local cherry blossoms in your area and go see them instead. If not, print some out and fill your house with some beautiful pictures to enjoy. A beautiful bucket list idea.
2. Go for a walk in the rain
Cliché alert! Spring is so refreshing. With it being known for showers there will be plenty of opportunities to have fun in the rain. Go for a walk, kiss your partner, or just dance awkwardly. It’s all up to you! When it rains colours really seem to pop, and the ground smells fresh.
3. Learn flower arranging
Lately I’ve gained an appreciation for flowers, and there is not better time to enjoy them than spring. Take a small course, online or otherwise, in flower arranging. You could also pick some wild flowers and feel even closer to nature. It would feel extra special to do it all yourself.

4. Have a picnic
It may not be possible to have a picnic in a public area, but you can still enjoy one. Set one up in your garden and dress for the occasion. Make some special treats, and make it as spring themed as possible! Don’t forget some crisp white wine to go with it.
5. Bird watch
Another one that can be accomplished from home. If you already have some binoculars then great, but they’re not necessary. All it takes is a comfy seat by the window and a cup of tea. If the weather is nice then settle on the grass outside and quietly keep a lookout. Having a bird feeder in the garden helps. It would be a fun project to make your own.
6. Make a garden wildlife sanctuary
Speaking of bird feeders, why don’t you make a wildlife sanctuary in your garden? There’s lots of available guides online, like this one from the National Trust. Get out there and become a little eco hero in your own back garden! Spread some love to the little wildlife.

7. Grow a sunflower taller than you
With a little love and time, it’s possible to easily grow a sunflower taller than you are. Late spring is the best time to plant the seeds as the soil is starting to warm up. They love the sun (like me!). Have a competition and see who can grow the tallest sunflower!
8. Make your own Easter egg hunt
Whether it’s around the house, garden, or park, going on a scavenger hunt is always fun. It’s easy to make it suitable for adults and kids alike, so get planning! It’s also easy to do it socially-distanced and in small groups, so completely customisable.
9. Try a new outdoor activity
It’s time to clear away the winter cobwebs and get some fresh air in your lungs! From personal experience I can tell you the burning feeling in your chest does subside…eventually. Do something that allows you to take in the nature surrounding you. Frolic around in a field, if you must.

10. Celebrate Earth Day
Celebrate Earth Day on 22nd April by doing something to appreciate the planet we live on. Go pick up some litter from your local park or beach; lower your carbon footprint; or just research it. Think about the little ways you can help protect the environment. Every little helps. Even just making a wildlife sanctuary in your garden!
11. Feed your local ducks
There’s usually some local ducks hanging out in your area, so pop down to see them. It’s a relaxing pass-time and a chance to get some fresh air. Make a nice healthy lunch for them with tips from Kids of the Wild, here.
12. Geocaching
Geocaching is a great outdoor adventure that could lead you to explore new places, and get some exercise! It’s creative and fun, and you never know what to expect. To read more about geocaching, and to find great tips, go to geocaching.com.

13. Make a meal from a something new
There’s lots of weird and wonderful vegetables out there. Spring is a great time to get your 5-a-day and make some great vegetable rich meals. If you’re feeling extra brave, you could even try foraging and finding some yourself. The spring blooms make for a wonderful walk through forests.
14. Stargaze
The weather is warming up and the sun is still setting quite early. This makes a perfect time for stargazing! If you are lucky enough to live in or near a low pollution area, I definitely recommend getting out there. If you’re in a city, it’s still possible to stargaze! I recently read “The Art Of Urban Astronomy: A Guide To Stargazing Wherever You Are” by Abigail Beall. It’s a fantastic read for beginners and if you live in a city.
15. Visit a beach
Beaches aren’t just for summer! Now winter is disappearing take the time to visit a beach and go for a walk. If you are lucky enough to live near one, don’t miss out on a chance. It’s refreshing and inspiring. If you’re feeling extra brave, why not take an invigorating swim? No? Maybe next time!

So there you have it! A list of 15 cheap spring themed bucket list ideas. I personally cannot wait for the warmer weather and the chance to experience everything. Even though things may be more restricted this year, we can definitely still make the most of it. If you have any special things you have on your bucket list for spring let me know. I would love to hear them!
If you would like to read more about how to create a bucket list, check out my article here.